Our mission at Spirit of Christ is to live in love for God and one another reaching out to all people, proclaiming and sharing the love of Christ. 

Why “Spirit of Christ?”

When Jesus was preparing for death he promised his disciples;

“I will send a Helper to you from the Father, known as the Spirit of truth. He comes from the Father and will point to the truth about me. But you will also point others to the truth about who I am…” (John 15:26-27)

In our community, we believe the Spirit gathers us and points us to the truth about Jesus – God’s living Word of love for the world. He forgives us. He calls us friends. He prays for us. He has made us God’s children forever and blesses our fellowship in his name.

We also point others to the truth about who Jesus is. We share his forgiving love, we serve in his name, and we give witness to our faith that Jesus is still alive and working in our world. We hope you’ll join us as we learn from the Spirit and share with the world what we believe.